As the first and only branded, organic 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) ingredient, CLEANMOOD® is NURA’s natural solution for healthy sleep and stress management, with its own clinical study for body composition. So, whether you are looking to refresh your product line or introduce something new, CLEANMOOD® presents opportunities for trending health concepts with qualities that make it easy and fun to formulate with.
Sourced from organic Griffonia simplicifolia (G. simplicifolia) seeds using a water-only extraction, the CLEANMOOD® Organic 5-HTP serves as a precursor to serotonin, thereby supporting levels of this “feel-good” neurotransmitter in the brain.
There are numerous studies on 5-HTP showing benefits for a variety of health issues due to its ability to cross the blood-brain-barrier and support serotonin levels. For example, 5-HTP has been studied for psychiatric disorders like depression, anxiety, and insomnia, as well as weight management, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, fibromyalgia, and head cavity discomfort.1
However, CLEANMOOD® is not the average 5-HTP, as a recent clinical study investigated its effects on body composition. After supplementing with 100mg of CLEANMOOD® for eight weeks, subjects lost an average of 0.70 kg (1.54 lbs.) of fat mass without any diet or lifestyle changes. The fat lost by the group taking CLEANMOOD® was significant from their baseline as well as compared to the placebo group who gained an average of 0.20 kg (0.44 lbs.).
In addition to being feasible in many product concepts, and offering potential claims not offered by generic 5-HTP, CLEANMOOD® comes in a powder form that is adaptable for nearly any application. As CLEANMOOD® is water-soluble, pH- and heat-stable, with a neutral flavor, in addition it can be incorporated into foods and beverages (both hot and cold). With its versatile profile, CLEANMOOD® offers endless opportunities for formulating unique and trending delivery formats and flavors such as baked goods, bars, candies, ready-to-drinks, on-the-go stick packs, lozenges, freezer pops, and gummies.
As an extension on its versatility, CLEANMOOD® has key attributes that allow it to be a suitable option for many brands and concepts. CLEANMOOD® is SA-GRAS, with a white paper available upon request. CLEANMOOD® is also vegetarian, gluten-free, certified organic, non-GMO, and certified glyphosate free by the Detox Project.
The ways in which CLEANMOOD® differentiates from other 5-HTP ingredients does not stop here – it also has a sustainability story. From harvesting less than 70% of the G. simplicifolia seeds in the area, to educating and compensating local farmers, and donating supplies to more than 75 nearby schools, it is no question that NURA cares about not just health, but also the community, and the planet!
Natural Standard. The Many Uses of 5-HTP. Natural Medicine Journal. 2011; 3(10). Available at: https://www.naturalmedicinejournal.com/journal/2011-10/many-uses-5-htp.